Croatia Follow Up

Participants from Croatia made their follow up activity all together and they had a lot of participants in their activity. 

Josip Dukovac, Marin Periš, Vedran Grizbaher, Lucija Čok were present in the activity. The follow up activity took place in Gymnasium Osijek, Osijek at 15.09.2022.; 08:40-09:40am. There were 20 high school students of the 2nd Gimnazija Osijek (language high school) who are in the 4th grade, i.e. high school graduates, so they are finishing high school. Year from 17 to 18. I participated in various activities related to improving mental health, spreading awareness about the importance of revealing one's feelings, fears and desires. So I participated in the activities of dance, movement, painting, communication and expression. I created a better connection with people I didn't know before and better understood their feelings. This helped me to express my opinion better and to better understand others without the influence of prejudices and stereotypes. The project had various educational workshops and lectures, as well as games that helped me to express my opinion more strongly through movements, colors and words, but also to absorb others' opinions more easily. For me, this is a new experience of expressing my feelings and experiencing and understanding other people's words and actions. An excellent way to meet other people and cultures.

Links for dissemination:  

What our participants said for the project:

Vedran Grizbaher - This project helped me to open myself even more to new people and new experiences and also to share my thoughts and inner values. I enjoyed working with other people from different countries and I managed to overcome our culture differences. I also let myself be open with my feelings, which is not something I usually do. The activities were versatile so there was a bit of everything for everyone.

Lucija Čok - I really liked the project because I discovered people's stories that strengthened my awareness of the importance of mental health. I particularly liked the diversity of the workshops, the openness of the teams and people. Various role plays and evaluations of expression helped me to discover my own thoughts and feelings with others who participated.

Josip Dukovac - Using skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviors I managed to understand each other from different backgrounds. And by sharing other backgrounds, different mentality and customs of the country I was able to break prejudices and stereotypes. Understanding the values ​​and working culture of youth projects and youth organizations from different countries I expand my knowledge. Also I liked contributing to teamwork and maintaining good working relations with everyone from project and other countries. I gathered information about expressing emotions and better intercultural communication.

Through getting to know other cultures and countries, I learned about numerous political, economic, social problems and challenges of individual countries and young people in them, about their associations and organizations that try to overcome these challenges and provide them with a better life.

Marin Periš - In this project simply by meeting other participants i've encountered different cultures,languages and customs.So from the start there where all kinds of new information that didn't exactly reflect on my beliefs and our trainers worked with us throughout the project to express our feelings,accept them and show them as well as accepting others and different values.With various workshops and a lot of talking and opening up through interesting,artsy and unusual activity i've learned to always look from two sides,acknowledge and apriciate myself and others.

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