The evaluation of the program will be continuous during the implementation of the whole timetable of the program. This will be achieved through the project. However, minor changes may be made, with the aim that all the organisations and participants will feel "comfortable" with all the activities of the project as it is working for the whole duration of 9 months. Therefore, we ensure the firmness of the main idea of the whole project and that it is not going to change. On the timetable and the call for partners organizations, which we attach with this application (ANNEX 01) are mentioned all the activities which are going to be held. If through the evaluations becomes a great need to change some things on our application, we will contact, first, our National Agency to ensure whether they accept to proceed to the changes. If we receive their approval, then we will make the changes. All the results of the evaluation will be shared on the Facebook group of the participants and on the webpage of the program.

Particularly, the evaluation can be divided in the following sections:

(a) Initial Evaluation held through a discussion in webinar with the representatives of the organizations and through the webinar with the participants of this project on June 2021 and September 2022 respectively . In this evaluation the whole timetable of the program was analyzed and evaluated as an idea. 

(b) Next evaluation (Middle evaluation) was done from the participants during first days of the Training, In August of 2022 (19 to 25 of August) in Oasis Hotel Apartments in Glyfada, Athens. 

(c) A second evaluation from the participants was done on the last day of the activities (25 of August 2022) through an online questionnaire with multiple choice answers, open type questions for each activity and as far as the whole project until that time. The results of this evaluation can be found in the following file. 

(d) A more accurate evaluation in addition to the above mentioned, will be done through a general report which must be written by all the organisations to evaluate our activities, as well as the meeting venue, the meals, the social events and generally all the logistics and all the stages. The evaluation of the organizations will come through the reports and the dissemination that participants will do in their countries concerning the results of the program.

(e) One more evaluation from the participants will be held through their general report, which will be sent to us after the end of all the activities of the project (during the 9 months of the project). Since the participants will be active in the whole duration of the program, their opinion and their evaluation will be more reliable and through this last report from them we will have their last assessment.

(f) Beyond the evaluation reports, we will ask also from all organisations to write their own evaluation letters, to be evaluated also from the participants organisations for our whole implementation of the project.

Moreover, under the Youthpass framework the participants will have the chance to self-evaluate the project results. This evaluation will take place one month after the completion of the workshops. The participants will have distanced themselves from the educational process and thus will have a more objective perception of their learning achievements. The questions needed to be answered will be relevant to the achievement of learning objectives, the learning of skills and personal development, which will have been gained during the program. Through the above-mentioned evaluations, our organisation will receive many opinions, and we will try further to be improved in our future applications, to be more active and more sensible in several things and to "get over" our current weaknesses.

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