Follow Up Activities Cyprus

Follow Up Activity

On 5th of November,participants of Cyprus,Katerina Farmakidou,Panagiotis,Andreas Beros,Andreas Panagiotou and Constantinos Christos as an accompany person,implemented a follow up activity which was a seminar for 60 persons in Pedoulas,Cyprus.

The group of Cyprus implemented a dissemination project which aimed to share our gained knowledge and experience from the training. The participants were mostly members of our organization and youth workers but also people that don't have any experience with

Erasmus + and they were curious to learn more.So, we started to explain a little bit about the opportunities that can have through Erasmus programs,how they can apply,the criteria etc and we answered all the questions of the participants and how they can apply to upcoming training.Afterwards,we talked about the topic,the aim and the objectives of the training.Through a presentation,we showed some pictures from each day and we explained the activities that we did and what was the purpose of the program and the way youth workers can use the tools that they learned in their daily lives.Moreover,we shared how was the experience from us during the training.Below, you can find some pictures which would give a better insight into our session.

Links where dissemination was done of the project


Emotions and Evaluation from Cypriot Participants:

Katerina: For me,the training has been one of the most beautiful experiences. We went deeper into ourselves through various psycho pedagogical activities and had fun at the same time. The combination of the activities and the games included,made us think critically and spent our time entertaining ourselves at the same time. We also tasted intercultural cuisines and met different people from different cultures,religious and social backgrounds. Personally, I feel that this programme helped me think out of the box more than I did before as well as get deeper into myself.

Panagiotis: The training was an amazing opportunity to discover more about myself.We had a variety of activities during the training,some of them were more fun and team building based and others were focused more on ourselves and our experiences.Sometimes,it was tough for me to express fully my emotions but it helped me a lot to understand some things about myself.I also liked the fact that I met new people from different cultures and I did new friendships.

Andreas Beros: For me this training was a reminder to connect with myself and my creativity.I liked a lot the fact that I had the time and the motivation to draw,to write down my feelings and my emotions and to process them through creative ways. I felt safe to express myself and I am very grateful that I had this opportunity to do it.Also,I learned many tools to relax my body and my mind that I can use in my everyday life.

Andreas Panagiotou: It was my first experience in Erasmus + and for me it was a little tough sometimes because after the accident that I had my life changed a lot and I am not ready yet to process all these difficult moments.But,I enjoyed this experience a lot and I am happy that I had the opportunity to be part of this training.I felt from everyone so included and I liked that I had the chance to share my feelings with other people.

Constantinos Christou: I was in charge of Andreas, I am fitness coach and I am working with disabled people and I trained them to paralympic competitions.I like to motivate people to believe in themselves and to see them to succeed.Andreas is a very strong person and I believe a lot in him. I also participate in the training and I liked that I could also work with myself and express my feelings and my opinions.I had an amazing time and I enjoy it a lot.For me,it was a pause from my intense work and I am grateful that I had this opportunity to be part to this training.

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