Follow up Moldova

Participants from National Youth Council of Moldova implemented different follow up activities as they are coming usually from different part of Moldova. According to their reports the following activities were implemented in Moldova: 

1st Follow Up Activity

Participant Cernica Dimitrii implemented a follow up activity at Chisinau, National Youth Council of Moldova office at 16th of October 2022, 17:00-18:30. There were 11 Participants, age: from 16 y.o to 26 y.o, part of them volunteers and the others youth workers from local NGOs

The follow-up activity facilitated by Dimitrii Cernica took place in Chișinău at the CNTM office, 11 active young people participated at the activity were they had the opportunity to learn about the Erasmus + projects and how they function, after a short information session I presented to the participants some wonderful moments from the IMMHEALD project and related about the things that I learned there. At the end of the day the participants had the opportunity to try one of the activities that took place in Greece, and specifically the Image Theatre. The participants were divided in 2 groups and had to set a play with and Image that was given to them. Comparatively to the activity from Greece, the participants from Moldova were all from the same country and it was much easier for them to prepare and work in a team, everyone liked the activity and only positive feedback was received. In the Q&A session the participants asked a lot of questions about the Erasmus projects and how to get the opportunity to participate.

2nd Follow Up Activity

Roxana Purice implemented a follow up activity at Chisinau - Municipal Centre Of Youth Chisinau on 10th September 2022 14:00-17:00. In the activity there were 15 participants ages from 16 to 20 years old and they were mostly volunteers and youth representatives.

The activity was based on mental health subject and was composed of some activities from IMMHEALD, as Theater of oppression, meditation, mindfulness exercises to manage and accept negative emotions and thoughts. The purpose of activity was to present the project, its activities, results and to show some moments from it. Also, through this meeting participants learned more about Erasmus+ projects and this kind of opportunities in Republic of Moldova.

3rd follow up Activity 

Elena Boboc made her follow up activity in Moldova's parliament at 5 of December 2022 during a study visit of students from an institution and they were interesting in erasmus programs and mental health. The program and actually the PDA was presented through a nice discussion and Elena answeered questions of the students about the activities and the erasmus programs in general. There were 10 to 12 students ages from 16 to 20 years old. 
Roxana Purice: This was my second ERASMUS+ project and I haven't any regrets about being a part of these. IMMHEALD gave me a very nice experience, new knowledge, and feelings around brave people. The project once again proved me the importance of the connection and communication between people from different countries. Even if I participated just to meet new people, I got more than I expected, and I established strong friendships. I enjoyed our self-reflection time that got us deeper into our feelings and helped us to express our emotions without judgement. As a participant in the project, I was offered the opportunity to participate in cultural nights in which each country presents its values, traditions and various dishes and I noticed many similarities with some countries. I had the opportunity to enjoy delicacies that until then I did not have the opportunity to taste. I had an incredible experience every night with music, food, dance and lights. These are some evenings that I will never forget.

Links for online dissemination of the project

What our participants said about the project:

Roxana Purice: This was my second ERASMUS+ project and I haven't any regrets about being a part of these. IMMHEALD gave me a very nice experience, new knowledge, and feelings around brave people. The project once again proved me the importance of the connection and communication between people from different countries. Even if I participated just to meet new people, I got more than I expected, and I established strong friendships. I enjoyed our self-reflection time that got us deeper into our feelings and helped us to express our emotions without judgement. As a participant in the project, I was offered the opportunity to participate in cultural nights in which each country presents its values, traditions and various dishes and I noticed many similarities with some countries. I had the opportunity to enjoy delicacies that until then I did not have the opportunity to taste. I had an incredible experience every night with music, food, dance and lights. These are some evenings that I will never forget.

IMMHEALD was more than a project, more than just activities and just people. I am thankful to be a part of this and to share the experience and knowledge with my colleagues.

Dimitrii Cernica: This project was an awesome experience, as my first Erasmus project I had the opportunity take part in an unique event and to learn a lot of new stuff that I never knew about. During the IMMHEALD project I discovered myself from another point of view. The trainers Orfeas and Erma did a great job during all the days and managed to create wonderful moments. An other important aspect of this project were all the wonderful participants from whom I also managed to learn a lot of new things and of course new friendships were established in Athens!

Elena Boboc: This program helped me reconnect with myself. We are so engrossed in activities every day and we don't have time to reflect on our own personality, to analyze our emotions, why we react in a certain way, what frustrates us and how to overcome them. This training gave me the opportunity to analyze all these emotions, accept them and turn them into strengths. The activities were very simple, but they helped us reach far inside ourselves, where in everyday life we do not have the courage or time to reach. The activities brought us face to face with our real personality. I am very grateful to the organizers for this opportunity, but I also thank all the participants for opening up and creating beautiful memories în Athens.

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