Follow Up North Macedonia
Participants from NGO United Youth: Suzana Dimitrieva, Nikola Ivanov, Slavica Dimitrova, Lepa Alcinova made their follow up activity in Gevgelija at 21st of October 2022 at 19:00. In the activity there were 15 participants, aged 20-45 some youth workers and some other people interested in joining E+ program
A Presentation was done about the Personal development activity and introducing the participants to the general scope about the E+ program and its possibilities. Sharing the knowledge and presenting some of the artistic techniques learned from the project in Athens. The whole presentation in general introduced bigger wish for participating in other projects between the participants present at the event.
Links of posts for dissemination of the project
What our participants said about the project:
Suzana - Awesome project, learned some new tehniques about
expressing my feelings and met some new people and spread the
network. Eventhough this is not my first E+ project it was still a wonderfull
experience for me.
Nikola - As a first time being on E+ project it changed and opened a lot of new
ways of seeing the wolrd.Meeting a whole new group of people and learning a lot
about someone else culture and traditions was just an extra experience added to
the general scope about learning to take a break and think a little bit about
our mental health.
Lepa - Interesting project for learning and sharing life experiences about health
and self care.
Slavica - Interesting project where i met new people.I upgraded my knowledge in english met some new people and learned some new ways of taking care of my mental health.