Nikolas Nikolaou
Project Manager

Nikolas Nikolaou (president of NGO ACPELIA) will have the main coordination of the program and actually, he is the one that he will have in mind the whole procedure with partners organisations and he is going to keep timetable as an expert project manager. Due to the fact that he is successful as a coach and organizer in his personal life as we can see from the small CV that follows he is going to have 2 evenings training of youth workers about his experience in coaching.
President of our Organization (Mr Nikolas Nikolaou, physics teacher in high school, BSC, MSc in Chemical Engineering National Technical University of Athens and MSc, BSc in the University of Cyprus at Physics department) has previous experience by taking part in many seminars and actions related to Environment, Non-Formal Education, Entrepreneurship and Discrimination. He organized and participated in more than 20 European programs which are doing with Non-Formal Education (KA105, KA205, KA229, Youth In Action) as well as several local environmental and Science projects with groups of young people, many of them can be found in his website: www.nikolas-nikolaou.net. Also, Nikolas is coordinating the biggest students and teacher annual Conference about Natural Sciences that is a yearly conference in Cyprus with the participation of more than 1000 students and more than 300 teachers. He manages to coach a team of the organising committee and to make them all do well for 10 years now that is taking place the Conference starting alone and now has a big team to coordinate.

Dimitris Souliotis
General Coordination of Applicant Organization:
Chairman of INPLANET. He studied Physic Science and he has a Master degree in Electronics and Communications and a Master degree in International Relations and Politics and he works in the Greek Ministry of Education in the position of the Director of the Vocational Training and in the Vocational Institute of Glyfada as Director. He is very experienced in non-formal education methods as he works in EU programs (VET and Youth programs) since 1994 gained good practices in the development, implementation and management of international programs. As trainer for trainers he coordinates many actors (students, teachers, families and staff) to achieve the objectives of the educational success. During his professional career he developed strong cooperation with local Municipalities, other organizations and many stakeholders.
Erma Georgiou

Orfeas Kritikos
Orfeas Kritikou is a passionate and creative person. He is a graduate of Leeds Beckett University in Business and Management degree. He also did his master's degree in MBA which help him to be more professional and open-minded. He loves learning new languages, meeting new people and travelling around the world. Furthermore, he has participated in various non-profit programs and lectures in various countries. He participated in several Erasmus+ projects carried out in various countries and was the leader of the Cypriot group in some of them.